Quantum Correlations Out of Equilibrium (2014)
The study of topological states of matter is an important recent direction in both theoretical and experimental condensed matter research. There are two main objectives for these efforts. First, seeking an answer to the fundamental question of how one can classify phases of matter. Second, many of these topologically non-trivial states have properties that might be harnessed by future technologies.
Unfortunately, many of the theoretically proposed phases do not find an implementation in standard solid-state materials like semi-conductor hetero-structures. The implementation of condensed-matter models in engineered quantum systems like ultra-cold atoms, trapped ions, or networks of non-linear wave guides, however, provides a promising platform for the investigation of such topological states of matter. The power of these engineered materials comes with one central disadvantage: most of these systems are easily driven out of equilibrium. A growing community is concerned with the study of the fate of topological states of matter out of equilibrium.
General info
Date: 5.-7. November 2014
Location: ETH Zurich, HPZ E35
Organizers: Sebastian Huber & Oded Zilberberg
Sponsor: external page Pauli Center for Theoretical Studies
Flyer: Download PDF (PDF, 2.8 MB)
Download PDF (PDF, 2.8 MB) with titles and abstracts.
Wednesday 5.11.
- 13:30 Opening remarks
- 13:35 Mark Rudner
- 14:10 Ari Turner
- 16:15 Colloquium Ehud Altman (HPV)
Thursday 6.11.
- 09:00 Erez Berg
- 09:45 Björn Trauzettel
- 10:30 Coffee
- 11:00 Assa Auerbach
- 11:45 Netanel Lindner
- 14:00 Flash Talks (4′ each)
- 15:00 Discussions
Friday 7.11.
- 09:00 Iacopo Carusotto
- 09:45 Mikael Rechtsmann
- 10:30 Coffee
- 11:00 Oded Zilberberg
- 11:45 Mohammad Hafezi
- 12:30 Lunch
- 14:00 Ehud Altman
- 14:45 Lukas Sieberer
- 15:30 Yoav Lahini
- 16:15 Coffee
- 16:45 Frank Pollmann