News & Events
How to handle fragile states

A concept known as ‘fragile topology’ has been puzzling physicists ever since it emerged two years ago. Two teams, one led by ETH physicists, have now developed a comprehensive theoretical and experimental framework to pin down the essence of the concept — and establish ways how to potentially harness it in applications.
Weyl goes chiral

Quasiparticles that behave like massless fermions, known as Weyl fermions, have been in recent years at the centre of a string of exciting findings in condensed matter physics. The group of Sebastian Huber at ETH Zurich now reports experiments in which they got a handle on one of the defining properties of Weyl fermions — their chirality
Teaching machines to spot the essential

Two physicists at ETH Zurich and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have developed a novel machine-learning algorithm that analyses large data sets describing a physical system and extract from them the essential information needed to understand the underlying physics.
Quantum physics turned into tangible reality

ETH physicists have developed a silicon wafer that behaves like a topological insulator when stimulated using ultrasound. They have thereby succeeded in turning an abstract theoretical concept into a macroscopic product.
Sebastian Huber receives ERC Consolidator Grant

Five ETH researchers receive one of the coveted Consolidator Grants from the European Research Council (ERC), among them physicist Sebastian Huber. Their projects are funded with around two million Swiss francs each.