Sebastian Huber receives ERC Consolidator Grant
Five ETH researchers receive one of the coveted Consolidator Grants from the European Research Council (ERC), among them physicist Sebastian Huber. Their projects are funded with around two million Swiss francs each.
The European Research Council (ERC) has several funding programmes. For example, the ERC Starting Grant for talented young researchers and the ERC Advanced Grant for established top-level researchers exist. The Consolidator Grant is intended to support young researchers who have seven to twelve years of experience after completing their doctorate, have a promising track record and want to consolidate the work of their already successful research group. The projects are selected on the basis of their scientific excellence and will receive up to 2.35 million Swiss francs over a period of five years.
Overview of Sebastian Huber's ERC project
Many applications rely on affecting wave propagation in materials, from sound insulation to information processing in quantum computers. Sebastian Huber, Assistant Professor of Condensed Matter Theory, researches design principles for materials whose behaviour can be explained using the quantum Hall effect. All existing studies in this area have been limited to two-dimensional structures. Huber is now aiming to overcome this limitation in the course of his ERC project: he will design new three-dimensional materials on the drawing board and examine them experimentally. The results may enable the construction of new waveguides that can be used under extreme conditions.